School governing bodies are made up of people from school communities who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.
Every school has a governing body. They work with the headteacher to set the future direction for the school and decide how the school spends its budget.
The governing board at Ferham Primary forms part of a 'Federated Governing Body' with Meadow View Primary School.
They are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education and for raising pupils’ attainment by:
Setting strategic direction
Ensuring accountability
Monitoring and evaluating school performance
Acting as a critical friend
Governors govern rather than manage. Their role is one of direction and focus; they make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies, and the school's development plan. As well as providing support and advice to the headteacher, their role is to challenge the headteacher by gathering views and asking searching questions to make sure that any decisions taken are in the best interest of the school. Governors report to parents on the school's achievements and respond to inspection recommendations. They also hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.
Our Governors
Chloe Ewens
Co-Chair of Governors
Safeguarding Governor
Jenni Logan
Headteacher - Meadow View Primary School
Ex Officio
Dianne Travis
Parent Governor
Vikki Fenton
Headteacher - Ferham Primary School
Ex Officio
Susan Gregg
Staff Governor for MVP
Joanne Soper
Staff Governor for Ferham
Emma Bradley
Deputy Headteacher at Ferham Primary School
Eva Ogden
Parent Governor
Helen Clarkson
Staff Governor