Vážená rodino Ferham,
Vítejte ve Ferhamu!
Děkujeme, že jste si vybrali naši báječnou školu s obětavým personálem a skvělými dětmi.
Jsem tak hrdý, že jsem nyní ředitelem tak živé a rozmanité školy. Milujeme, že jsme všichni stejní a všichni odlišní a všichni stejně brilantní.
Děti na hodinách tvrdě pracují a užívají si báječných her, kde je vždy spousta her.
Pokud máte nějaké dotazy, kontaktujte nás prosím telefonicky, e-mailem nebo Dojo; náš vřelý a přátelský tým vám rád pomůže.
paní Fentonová
"Mears are happy to support the work taking place in school to raise the aspirations of students and expose them to a wide variety of career opportunities. Your students are our potential workforce of the future and we are happy to support their development."
Diane Key, Customer Success Manager at MEARS
"It is clear for me that our involvement at the community cafés has shown how it brings agencies/services in to school to enable easier access for families. This work builds confidence in services for families as they can see that school has the trust in them so families can too. This work is so important in building and empowering community which we feel you are trying to do at Ferham Primary."
Sophie Wood, Clifton Partnership
"Craig, As you know I have served the Ferham Community over period of time. I just wanted to comment on how much I feel Ferham Primary has improved over my time of attending it. I can honestly say if feels like a different school. The children seem so happy and eager to learn and well behaved. Their appearance has improved, they are settled in class and on my attendance within the school have been paying attention, willing to participate in debates and express their opinions with confidence. I have loved attending the school and working with the children within the Mini Police Scheme. The children have been polite and well mannered, its a credit to yourself and all the staff that work at Ferham Primary."
Jacqui Millward, PCSO, Rotherham Central Neighbourhoods
"When I was in the school last week at the knife crime sessions the children were extremely well behaved and respectful of the visitors and subject in discussion. I have noticed a significant change in pupil behaviour since your introduction to school, pupils entered the classroom swiftly and without fuss straight into learning and represented the school & themselves very well."
Johnathon Gilberthorpe, RUCST
“Every time I’ve visited all I’ve seen is positivity and happy faces. Always made to feel welcome by staff and the children. The school sees itself as a major part of the Community and is doing all possible to bring the Community together in a safe and welcoming environment. Keep up the AMAZING work”.
Gavin Worboys, SYP Community Officer
"Reading is at the heart of the curriculum at Ferham. Every time I visit the school I witness the dedication and determination of the team. They ensure that every child is given the opportunities to learn how to read whilst also developing a true love of reading."
Mary Jenkinson, Literacy Specialist , St Wilfred's Learning Hub