Religious Education at Ferham Primary School
At Ferham Primary School, Religious Education is fundamental in enabling children to develop a solid understanding of the major world faiths while investigating and reflecting upon some of the most fundamental questions about human life, beliefs, communities and ideas. As a proudly diverse community, we encourage celebration of all faiths while welcoming respectful differences of opinion and differing insights.
Curriculum Intent
We use the Rotherham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2022) which has been created by the Rotherham Agreed Syllabus Conference in consultation with RE Today, a national support agency for RE, and approved by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE). It ensures these outcomes at the end of each Key Stage -RE outcomes.docx. It is the legal basis for RE in Rotherham: RE is locally determined, so schools which implement the syllabus will be teaching what the law requires and fulfilling their statutory duty with regard to RE (NB: parents may choose to withdraw children from RE lessons. This must be agreed with the headteacher after discussion about the curriculum content.)
The Rotherham Syllabus teaches about Christianity and the principal religions in the UK. In Ferham in KS1 we will teach children about Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In KS2 we will teach about Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
This is reflective of the religious diversity within Rotherham (See Data from 2011 Census)
At the end of each Key Stage, we expect children to have a secure knowledge of the religions they have studied and the ability to discuss their thoughts and opinions of these religions in a respectful and meaningful way. Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. They think rigorously, creatively, imaginatively and respectfully about their ideas in relation to religions and world views.
In EYFS, children will be prepared to access SACRE through careful planning based on the strands of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Understanding the World. Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Curriculum Implementation
In Key Stage 1 and 2, RE is taught weekly. In EYFS, preparation for formal learning of Religious Education is through continuous provision where children begin to gain an understanding of the world, beliefs and differences in cultures. For example, in Nursery, children are introduced to Diwali and Christmas through picture books and taught to respect and celebrate difference. In Foundation 2, a wider range of celebrations are explored such as Eid and Lunar New Year and children are given opportunities to compare similarities and differences between these.
All units and lessons in KS1 and 2 begin with explicit vocabulary instruction which is displayed and referred to throughout the unit. (See below) A typical lesson provides explicit teaching of religions and/or values, a range of opportunities for children to discuss and investigate, and an independent activity. Lessons may or may not involve a written outcome. Lessons begin with brief retrieval practise of previous units and lessons, with a particular emphasis on vocabulary. Appropriate adaptation or scaffolding is made in all areas of the lesson to make learning accessible to EAL and SEND pupils. This could include, but is not limited to, visual stimuli, peer/group work and adapted resources.
Where possible, cross-curricular links are used to further explore and embed the learning of Religious Education. If appropriate, religious experts or leaders are invited into school to share their knowledge, or visits to religious buildings will be arranged.
Curriculum Impact
We ascertain impact using assessment in three forms: assessment for learning; assessment as learning; and assessment of learning.
In RE, assessment for learning is continuous as teachers adapt their teaching according to learners’ needs thus providing immediate feedback in lessons. This may include explaining concepts in different ways, using adult or peer support, or visual vocabulary.
Children are encouraged to question and discuss things they are taught to promote assessment as learning and to allow children to begin to reflect on their own understanding.
In RE, assessment of learning takes two forms at Ferham. Formative assessment is the start of every lesson. Pupils complete two retrieval slides to recall and embed important key knowledge into their long-term memories. These focus not only on the current year of study, but on previous years of study also. Additionally, the subject lead conducts regular pupil interviews to assess the level of knowledge and understanding. The results of this monitoring enable the curriculum to be adapted to meet the needs of our children and guides the planning of retrieval activities.
The quality of the impact of the teaching of RE is assured through regular and varied monitoring: learning walks, pupil voice, planning support and scrutiny.
Parents receive an overall annual assessment of their child’s learning in Religious Education as part of a written report.