Ferham Primary School is for children aged 2 to 11. Parents can find out about the school’s admission arrangements through the following links...
Under Consultation 18th December 23 - 29th January 24
Changes made to the Admission agreement include
Removing information that parents do not need to consider making the agreement more user friendly
Adding within the Admission criteria provision during application for twins, triplets or siblings born in the same academic year to be treated as equals
PAN (Published Admission Numbers) numbers highlighted under appendix 1 to cover all schools within the trust.
Parents will be invited to an admissions interview once a place is allocated by the local authority. This interview will be used to speak about the expectations at school regarding attendance, behaviour and policies. We will also fill in the paperwork for your child/ren. We ask that you bring proof of ID for your child/children and your National Insurance Number.
To apply for a place for your child at Ferham Primary School and if they are over 4 years old, you must call Rotherham Council Admissions on 01709 823777. The admissions are the people who will arrange all the school places in Rotherham.